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Help us to crowdfund for three inclusive music projects
Catching up with former Stages participant Pickles, finding out about their fascinating career journey since they were part of More Music
More Music is seeking two music leaders interested in developing their work in Early Years through a supported mentoring programme.
Colette Webb and Jack Boynton spent the year observing and leading sessions as part of the mentorship scheme
"It provided our students with an experience that we have not been able to access before."
Bowerham School pupils have worked with More Music to create a powerful video featuring new songs and lyrics sharing their feelings about climate change.
Lancashire Music Hub’s Youth Board traveled to Birmingham for the second national Young People’s Citizens Assembly hosted by Music for Youth in July
The Young Person’s Social Prescribing service was established in May 2022 and is delivered in a partnership between Stanleys Community Centre and More Music.
Baybeat will join other streetbands for a special one-off collaborative performance at the festival
‘Stages: Volume 1’ features ten songs written by young local bands and artists who attend More Music’s termly youth musicmaking sessions.
Young people from Amplify, Lancashire Music Hub’s Youth Board, are travelling to Birmingham for the second national Young People’s Citizens Assembly.
A great opportunity for young people to get advice and insight in person from music industry professionals
"This mentorship has been enriching and has allowed me to develop as a community music practitioner but also as a person."
Celebrating arts, culture and creativity for young people, in and out of school.
older people to get health boost through community singing
Our Girls Can series champions women in music to create a more equal music industry, the project supports an ever-growing group of girls and non-binary people.
Read how we made a Zine about how our Young People navigated lockdown, shared skills and adapted to the challenging circumstances of the pandemic.
We worked with a local film maker to make a film of the anthem written by young people.
More Music's Birdsong took place in Morecambe Winter Gardensas part of Baylight 24, a three-day, free, light art trail along the prom featuring light artworks from local, national and international artists.
Schools around the county together to sing, beatbox and dance together
Our commemoration for the 23 Chinese migrants who died 20 years ago
The workshops were a unique opportunity for pupils from St Patrick's Primary School to learn songs in African languages
Raven Tales is an interactive story show with songs, shadows and lots of joining in for children under 4 and their adults.
Could you drive forward our vision and lead the team into the future? Then we would love to hear from you.
Please join More Music as we commit to making the world a safer, better place for all.
there's an exciting and wide-ranging programme of workshops, gigs and unique events
Having led the charity since 2020, Kathryn joined the organisation in 1996.
More Media Collective's gig swap with Brighter Sound’s Reverb project as part of the Youth Reaching Out Network
and release video made with Daniel Brereton
The Storey was at capacity for the final night of the festival, as Loose Articles closed their set with mosh pit in true punk spirit.
Aison Clark and Tom Mulliner have been part of the in-house training scheme since December 2022
‘The Alien Needs Our Help’ helps thousands of schoolchildren learn vaccination facts through music and dance
A new thought-provoking video and accompanying soundtrack has been created with children from Ingol Primary School
Pete Moser tells the story of his long-running involvement with More Music.
Live/Circuit Collective played their biggest gig to date at Preston Jazz and Improvisation Festival this June
Fantastic live performance videos from a singing day at Ridgewood School in Burnley are now on YouTube
A fantastic new video and soundtrack has been created by schoolchildren from Ryelands Primary School working with More Music.
Collaboration and creativity lead to a nomination at the Youth Music Awards
All proceeds from sales of the Christmas Cards go towards supporting the Seagull Café
More Music is thrilled to retain Arts Council England’s National Portfolio status for 2023 – 26.
More Media Collective were lucky enough to have backstage access to the festival.
“Very engaging and interactive! It was a joy to listen to him play the tuba and fascinating to hear his life story."
"The project has enabled the pupils to develop a musical, creative response which demonstrates their journey throughout COVID.”
More Music welcomed digital artists and musicians Addictive TV to Morecambe for a residency this March
From Tuesday 30 November, please wear a face coverings in communal areas of our building.
young people celebrate positivity during the last year
Looking at the HEARD model of inclusive music activity
More Music has been using Zoom to run music sessions online with SEND pupils from Pear Tree School with positive results
Marketing Intern Rhian reflects on her time at More Music
We plan to be back with more music soon!
Reflecting on leading participatory music sessions in lockdown
Catch up on the digital content created in lockdown!
Viva la Youth:A week of inspiration; music, debate, masterclasses, workshops and industry events for the next generation.
More Music is delighted to announce that Kathryn MacDonald will be taking the role of Executive Director at the end of July.
The news from the arts world has become increasingly desperate. And participatory arts are in danger too.
Early Years sessions are a focus for More Music and the last 12 months before lockdown may have been one of the busiest years we've had.
More Music continue our commitment to inclusion and anti-racism in all we do.
During the lockdown, More Music has been using Zoom to conduct sessions with our existing groups so we can stay connected with each other and make music together.
The team have reimagined our neighbourhood festival, created playlists, made songs, made films and made a gig from home and much more.
More Music has a history of standing for human rights and inclusion. Inclusion is a journey, all– including us – need to keep doing better.
What music has been (re)discovering in this time is the power of small.
Never before have I heard music so clearly, listened so carefully...
Being well has been at the front of all our minds through the Coronavirus outbreak. But what does it mean to be well?
the core of music is listening – which is an activity of the mind, body and heart. It is an activity of stillness, attention, and some humility.
Digital culture in lockdown must not reinforce old barriers to the arts.
None of us get in to this to be turning audiences away or stopping opportunities for taking part in music.
A collection of resources to help you make music
More Music statement updated Tuesday 17 March 2020 at 1pm
Stay up to date with event and sessions information with regard to Coronavirus
Our Intern, Rhian Daniel from Lancaster University, speaks of the first few weeks
Our Artistic Director Loz Kaye responds to the new ACE Cultural Strategy
International jazz project Cinclus Cinclus had a weeklong residency at More Music
An insight into Chameleon II
Information translated into Polish for events in November.
We spent five minutes with Rowan talking about music and her show
Pete Moser's 12 year community music journey from Morecambe to Hong Kong and Southern China
celebrating the power of young people’s voices and creativity
Supporting musically inclusive projects in Lancashire.
Ginny Koppenhol's first solo photography exhibition features local people with brightly coloured hair
Watch the film about culture in England
Artistic Director Loz Kaye sends Open Letter to the New Secretary of State for Education
Romy explores the highlights of her two week work placement at More Music
We have just added a Polish language and a large print version of our events brochure to this website
More Music lead local school children in singing festival
Are you age 18-28? Have a real passion for arts, culture and/or volunteering and are interested in becoming a champion for Spirit of 2012?
A 3 Day residency for female musicians and technicians.
Songwriting and singing on the theme of heritage with schoolchildren from the traveller community
Spirit of 2012 awards funds to More Music for new social prescribing programme in Morecambe.
Autumn 2018 was a busy term for LYVE, with great performances and a collaboration with the Young'uns
Working with two primary schools to explore the heritage of Fleetwood
Young Leaders present to an audience of music hub representatives from across the UK
Have a look through and see what's new!