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Health & Wellbeing

More Music works with Bay Medical Group, Integrated Care Community, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service and Stanleys to provide Young Person’s Social Prescribers in Morecambe.

The Young Person’s Social Prescribing service was established in May 2022 and is delivered in a partnership between Stanleys Community Centre and More Music. The Young Persons Social Prescribers can accept referrals for people aged from 11 years to 19 years, who are registered with Bay Medical Group.

The roles support and empower young people, encouraging them to take control of their health and lifestyle choices. Working towards goals and positive wellbeing by focussing on what matters to them is a key part of this.

Social Prescribing can support:

 – Lifestyle changes
– Connecting with groups and activities in the community
– Supportive conversations
– Improved health and wellbeing

email the Young Persons Social Prescribers at

Read the annual reports and case studies below:

Bay Young Persons Social Prescribing Annual Report 2023/24

Bay Young Persons Social Prescribing Annual Report 2022/23

Music for Health

The positive impact of group singing on both physical and mental health – for young and old alike – is well evidenced.

Singing your heart out can be joyful and uplifting, both during and after taking part.

In February 2019, Spirit of 2012 awarded pilot funding to two Music For Health projects in Morecambe: Seagull Café and Chameleons Singing for Health. Spirit have also made a further award to extend the impact of More Music’s Music for Health for a further two years.

Watch a short film giving an insight into Seagull Café here.

Read the blog on the Spirit of 2012 website about social prescribing and the research we have undertaken here:
Spirit of 2012
We ran a research partnership project with the International Centre of Community Music. The resulting report ‘Working Together’ explores how partner- practitioners understand and communicate value within Music for Health in Morecambe: a partnership programme of three music groups facilitated by More Music, an NHS Social Prescribing team, and local well-being organisations.
Read ‘Working Together’ here

Read more about Singing for Health:

Wellbeing Survey Responses

Singing for mental health

Music and mental health

Singing for health and wellbeing


Seagull Cafe

Seagull Cafe is a community singing group for over 60s.

If you enjoy a singalong, fancy some company and afternoon tea, come along to sing and socialise.

These weekly sessions can help you feel healthier and happier.

Click here for dates & times

If you have any enquiries please call 01524 831997 or email

Seagull Café -Elizabeth

Seagull Café -Pat

Sing It Out!

Find your voice at our informal singing session for 11-18 yr olds.

In this group, with an emphasis on supporting positive mental health through singing, you can sing out stress, sing out strong or simply start by singing something small.

No experience required – this is a safe group for anyone with social anxieties, maybe looking for ways to manage your different moods and meet new friends.

Click here for dates and times

Sing It Out! parent/ guardian reflections 

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