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New report outlines positive impacts of social prescribing

Posted by Darren Leadsom on 09 July 2024

The Bay Young Persons Social Prescribing Annual Report 2023/24 is now available online to read, detailing the significant impact and reach of this work over the last 12 months.

The Young Person’s Social Prescribing service was established in May 2022 and is delivered in a partnership between Stanleys Community Centre and More Music. The Young Persons Social Prescribers can accept referrals for people aged from 11 years to 19 years, who are registered with Bay Medical Group.

Social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health. Social prescribing can help support people to: make lifestyle changes, connect with groups and activities in the community and includes supportive personalised conversations to help improve health and wellbeing. The referrals generally, but not exclusively, come from professionals working in primary care settings, for example, GPs or practice nurses.

Facilitating access to meaningful activities can support young people’s physical and mental heath and wellbeing, and engaging in a group or activity can help to develop young people’s confidence in a range of ways

– helping them to meet other young people,
– sparking motivation through a new interest
– being more active
– feeling more connected, less isolated.

Social prescribing fits particularly well with More Music and its work, linking to our mission statement to build confidence and spirit in individuals and communities through creative arts activities, particularly music. The mental health benefits of community music have always been a part of More Music’s practice and it is well documented that taking part in musicmaking can benefit people in many ways, boosting confidence and wellbeing, overcoming social isolation and making new friends as well as developing musical skills. Social prescribing recognises that social and creative activities like music groups or sports activities can be a better option for some than medicinal interventions.

You can read the report here:

Bay Young Persons Social Prescribing Annual Report 2023/24

For more information, please contact Maxine Draycott (More Music Young Persons Social Prescriber) at

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