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Early Years Training Programme

More Music is seeking two music leaders interested in developing their work in Early Years through a supported mentoring programme.

In partnership with Lancashire Music Hub and Youth Music, More Music are looking to recruit two music leaders to participate in a seven-month training programme to develop and hone their skills in leading music sessions with Early Years groups.

More Music has a long history of delivering programmes for the youngest children and their families/carers, and participants in this training programme will have the opportunity to be mentored by skilled Early Years music leaders Ben McCabe and Anni Tracy.

Deadline for applications is 10am Monday 4 November 2024.

Please email completed applications to

Download the application pack here:

Early Years Training Application Pack

More Music is committed to inclusive music making and creative activity for all and as such welcome applications from those who reflect the diverse nature of our community, audiences and stakeholders. We encourage candidates from all backgrounds and from all sectors.

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