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Eco Collective

Autumn 2024 dates
Mondays 23th September- 18th November 
No session 21st October

Ideal for: 14 to 25 year olds
Takes place on: Mondays, 6pm-8pm in term time
Cost per session: £3 on the door

Click here to register as a More Music participant

Are you interested in developing a career in the creative industries?

More Media Collective gives young people ages 14 – 25 the opportunity to gain real life experiences of producing and running events, promotion, marketing, sound and lighting, artist development and management.

For the 2024/25 academic year, the More Media Collective becomes the Eco Collective and we want to recruit new members! As part of the team, you’ll spend the year exploring climate change issues (particularly how it relates to the music industry and Morecambe Bay) and will be organising a youth led climate festival in Morecambe in July 2025. Join the Eco-Collective for 2024-25 and be part of creating and delivering this exciting event!

Being part of the team you will:
• Expand your knowledge of the environment & climate change
• Respond creatively to the environmental issues by consulting & researching with young people
• Be part of the development and production of a youth-led, community festival
• Gain behind the scenes and hands-on experience of the live events industry
• Make connections with environmental organisations
• Develop tools for climate action
• Learn leadership & organisational skills
• Gain insight into creative & environmental careers
• Join inspirational visits
• Share ways to take positive action for a better future

Supported by Francis Scott Trust and Energy Saving Trust Foundation.

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