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Launching More Music at Home

Posted by More Music on 01 May 2020

Hi everyone,

After taking a break over the Easter, we’re excited to announce that we’re back and ready to launch ‘More Music at Home’, our summer season of music sessions: Baybeat Streetband, Folk Group, Clapping Song and Long Walk Chinese Orchestra all return in an online format.

Starting on Monday 4 May, these sessions will run online over a five-week period and are aimed at pre-existing members of our groups. Our music leaders will be in touch with direct links to each of the sessions, so if you’re involved already, please check your email inboxes and Facebook groups.

Online sessions will also be held for our young people’s programme including Stages, Young Leaders, Bay Youth Voices and LYVE and will culminate in Stages Live in Lockdown, an online gig at the end of term as part of Youth Music’s Give a Gig week. Workshops, tutorials, music tuition and mentoring will all feature in the sessions as well as step by step guides and fanzines and newsletters.

This year, That Spring Thing, our annual neighbourhood celebration of the arrival of spring, becomes That Little Spring Thing. During May and June, Louise Clague from Petalos will be popping into people’s yards and gardens to deliver pots, seeds or seedlings (at a safe distance of course!)

Louise will offer advice on how to display and look after the plants and will help the people around the West End of Morecambe to add a bit of spring and summer beauty to their yards, gardens and window sills. The highlight of the festival will be on 7 June, so keep an eye out on our social media to join in our online festival That Little Spring Thing.

Our team are so happy to back and are looking forward to making some new music through these challenging times. Your participation, support and generosity means a great deal, so thank-you!

Take care, stay home and stay safe.

With love,

More Music

PS. Our building will remain closed for the foreseeable future but please keep an eye out for future updates on our social media and website.

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